Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pick Your Food (like really pick it!)

I have the hippie-est neighbors ever. They eat dinner in a tree house and walk their dogs barefoot and cut their grass with a push reel lawn mower. I also have  the best neighbors ever because every time they go fruit picking they always send a heaping amount of the fruits they picked to me. Especially the time they picked a family record of 41 pounds of blueberries. Think of how fun it would be to have blueberry picking races!
This site site gives dates for seasonal fruits and veggies. Although it's been pretty hot it is not yet picking time, but definitely add it to your list of things to try this summer. Right now collard greens, turnips, peas, and green onions are growing, so buy these things locally.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! This site is as cool as your hippie neighbors! I've always wondered exactly when everything is "in" season. I'm keeping this for the summer. Thanks for the info. :)
